Femme Luxe or Femme Sucks

A Quick Look

Website/Customer Service~ 4/10
Quality of Clothing~ 9/10
Fit and Overall Look~ 7/10
Delivery~ 9/10
Price~ ££
Overall~ 6/10

 This was a sponsored post on my Instagram a few weeks ago. I debated this website for a while as I thought it looked quite established, however, I had never heard of it or ordered from it before and after talking too my friends, I found they hadn't either so I decided to give it a go.

Just wanted to put a little disclaimer here that is my personal opinion from my own experience with the brand, it does not mean that everyone will have the same experience nor does it mean you should feel the same way I do about this company.

Website/ Customer Service 4/10
When first entering this website it appeared at the top of my screen that they had an app so I downloaded this to get a different point of view than just the mobile site. This app was horrible to use, I was searching for a top or bodysuit to buy and ended up actually going back to the website on my internet rather than the app. As most of you who have ever shopped online or with an app know, most of them allow you to choose via sections such as 'casual tops, bodysuits, crop tops' etc. but most also give you an option to view all tops which is usually the choice I make. This app does not give you that option. You can choose one of the many sub sections it provides you with but no button for all of that section this is why I reverted back to the website. When searching through their products I noticed that towards the bottom of each section there was a large amount of items on the website that were sold out, it may not seem like a big deal but I continued to scroll and soon realised that there were more items sold out than actually available. I don't understand why these items are kept on the site and not just removed if they won't be coming back into stock. After choosing my items and adding them to my basket to checkout I searched for a student discount which was an extra 10% off sale, a very generous discount if you ask me but I seen on the home page of the website there was a message to say extra 20% off sale with code 20off so instead I used this. I applied this discount to my basket then hit checkout, when I got my order summary email I noticed that my order was back to the price it was before I applied the discount. I didn't notice this during the checkout process as the shipping was annoying me because it was saying FREE but adding £3.99 to my bill. So when I discovered this discount hadn't been applied I was annoyed but also too late as I had processed the payment, I then decided to message this company on Instagram who at first seemed very helpful by asking for my order number and looking into my issue, they then said the tech team would resolve the issue. After a few hours I asked if it had been resolved and they responded to say it had I then asked if they would refund me for the discount that wasn't applied due to their issue to which they said no but instead offered me a discount code via email which was fine. This incident was days ago and I have not yet received this code, so as far as the quality of website and customer service for this company goes I'd say 4/10 is a pretty generous score.

Quality of Clothing 9/10
The quality of clothing from this website was of a very high standard, I ordered a jumper dress from this site and also a lucky dip package which is any product priced between £15 and £45. When these products arrived I was very satisfied with the quality of them.

 Fit and Overall Look 7/10
The dress I ordered was nice but a little bit shapeless, however, it is an oversized jumper so that is kind of expected. I added a belt to the dress when I wore it out and this made it a lot more flattering although it did end up feeling a little short so it could have been doing with being a bit longer. The lucky dip item I received was absolutely horrendous!! I would never have purchased this dress if I had seen it on the site and I searched the website thoroughly to find the dress and I could not, this is really annoying because I would have thought the lucky dip would be a product from their site not an item that you can't even buy from them!! Even though it was only £3.99 I still expected to receive something that was actually available on the site.

Delivery 9/10
So I selected standard delivery for this order which is 2-5 working days, during the checkout process delivery appeared on my order summary with free next to it but my order price was increasing by £3.99. I obviously wouldn't mind pay the £3.99 delivery but after my experience already with this website before the checkout point and being messed about with them saying delivery is free (but it wasn't!!) I feel the charge was very confusing and frustrating. I placed my order on the Wednesday about 12:30 and by 3 o'clock I had an email to say my order had been shipped but after looking at this email I seen the delivery method said 'Hermes Next Day UK standard 2-5 days delivery' which made zero sense and confused and annoyed me further as I wasn't sure which delivery method I was getting. On a positive note for this company I did get my order delivered to me the following day but I don't know if I would give this a plus for them or for Hermes.

Price ££
This website was actually relatively reasonably priced but at the point I purchased they had an up to 85% sale on and looking at some of the prices the items were before the sale I wouldn't have paid that for the products. I'm not sure if these before prices are made up to make you think you're getting an amazing deal on the products and to encourage you to buy or if they were actually that price to begin with.

Overall 6/10
A very generous score for this company if you ask me, the only thing making it this high is that quality of clothing was of a very high standard and it did look good on (forgetting about the hideous tiger dress here although it was good quality). After all my experiences with this organisation I don't think the quality of clothing is worthy of the hassle of the website and the app, so in my personal opinion this is definitely a website I would avoid and that I will be avoiding in future. If anyone else has ordered from this website and found it easier to use than I did and had a better experience with them please let me know as I'd love to hear that some people actually enjoy using this site.